Code book The following codebook lists all variables included in both data files. Each variable is listed with an abbreviated variable name (in capital letters), the exact wording of the question used in the GSS survey, and the response categories with their corresponding codes. Both the variable names and the codes for each response category are included in the SPSS data files. ABANY Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if the woman wants it for any reason? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABDEFECT Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABHLTH Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if the woman's own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABNOMORE Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if she is married and does not want any more children? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABPOOR Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABRAPE Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if she became pregnant as a result of rape? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ABSINGLE Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if she is not married and does not want to marry the man? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable AFFRMACT Some people say that because of past discrimination, blacks should be given preference in hiring and promotion. Others say That such preference in hiring and promotion of blacks is wrong because it discriminates against whites. What about your opinion-- are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of blacks? 1 Strongly support preference 2 Support preference 3 Opposes preference 4 Strongly opposes preference 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable AGE Respondent's age 1 10-19 2 20-29 3 30-39 4 40-49 5 50-59 6 60-69 7 70-79 8 80 or over 9 No answer, don't know AIDCOL On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to give financial assistance to college students from low-income families. 1 Definitely should be 2 Probably should be 3 Probably should not be 4 Definitely should not be 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable AIDHOUSE On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to provide decent housing for those who can't afford it. 1 Definitely should be 2 Probably should be 3 Probably should not be 4 Definitely should not be 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable AIDOLD On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to provide a decent standard of living for the old. 1 Definitely should be 2 Probably should be 3 Probably should not be 4 Definitely should not be 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable AIDUNEMP On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to . . . Provide a decent standard of living for the unemployed. 1 Definitely should be 2 Probably should be 3 Probably should not be 4 Definitely should not be 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable ATTEND How often do you attend religious services? 0 Never 1 Less than once a year 2 About once or twice a year 3 Several times a year 4 About once a month 5 2-3 times a month 6 Nearly every week 7 Every week 8 Several times a week 9 Don't know, No answer BIBLE Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? 1 The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word 2 The Bible is the inspired word of God but not everything in it should be taken literally, word for word 3 The Bible is an ancient book of fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by men 4 other 8 Don't know 0 N/A BLKSIMP In the past few years, do you think conditions for black people have improved, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? 1 Improved 2 Gotten worse 3 Stayed about the same 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 N/A CAPPUN Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? 1 Favor 2 Oppose 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable CHILDS How many children have you ever had? Please count all that were born alive at any time (including any you had from previous marriage). 0 None 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight or more 9 No answer CHILDIDEL What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? 1 None 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven or more 8 As many as you want -1 NAP 9 DK, NA CLASS If you were asked to use one of four names for your social class, which would you say you belong in: the lower class, the working class, the middle class, or the upper class? 1 Lower class 2 Working class 3 Middle class 4 Upper class 5 No class (VOLUNTEERED) 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable CLOSEBLK In general, how close do you feel to Blacks? 1 Not at all close 5 Neither one or the other 9 Very close 98 DK 99 NA 0 NAP CLOSEWHT In general, how close do you feel to Whites? 1 Not at all close 5 Neither one or the other 9 Very close 98 DK 99 NA 0 NAP COLHOMO Consider a man who admits that he is a homosexual? Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? 4 Allowed 5 Not allowed 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP COLMIL Consider a person who advocates doing away with elections and letting the military run the country. Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? 4 Allowed 5 Not allowed 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP COLRAC Or consider a person who believes that Blacks are genetically inferior. Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? 4 Allowed 5 Not allowed 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP CUTGOVT Are you in favor or against cuts in government spending? 1 Strongly in favor 2 In favor 3 Neither 4 Against 5 Strongly against 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP DATABANK The federal government has a lot of different pieces of information about people which computers can bring together very quickly. Is this a very serious threat to individual privacy, a fairly serious threat, not a serious threat, or not a threat at all to individual privacy? 1 Very serious threat 2 Fairly serious threat 3 Not a serious threat 4 Not a threat at all 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP EDUC Respondent's education 00 No formal schooling 01 1st grade 02 2nd grade 03 3rd grade 04 4th grade 05 5th grade 06 6th grade 07 7th grade 08 8th grade 09 9th grade 10 10th grade 11 11th grade 12 12th grade 13 1 year in college 14 2 years 15 3 years 16 4 years 17 5 years 18 6 years 19 7 years 20 8 years 98 Don't know 99 No answer EQWLTH Some people think that the government in Washington ought to reduce the income differences between the rich and the poor, perhaps by raising the taxes of wealthy families or by giving income assistance to the poor. Others think the government should not concern itself with reducing this income difference between the rich and the poor. What score between 1 and 7 comes closest to the way you feel? 1 Government should do something to reduce income differences between rich and poor. 7 Government should not concern itself with income differences. 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable EXCLDIMM How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? America should take stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants. 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Disagree strongly 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP FEAR Is there any area right round here--that is, within a mile--where you would be afraid to walk alone at night? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable FEFAM Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that it is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family. 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Disagree strongly 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP FEHELP Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that it is more important for a wife to help her husband's career than to have one herself. 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Disagree Strongly 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP FEHIRE Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree that because of past discrimination, employers should make special efforts to hire and promote qualified women. 1 Strongly agree 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree 8 DK 9 DK 0 NAP FEHOME Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Women should take care of running their homes and leave running the country up to men. 1 Strongly agree 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree 8 DK 9 DK 0 NAP FEIMP How important is the women's rights issue to you--would you say it is one of the most important, important, not very important, or not important at all? 1 One of the most important 2 Important 3 Not very important 4 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP FENEWS When reading, watching, or listening to the news, how often do you pay attention to issues that especially affect women -very often, fairly often, not too often, or never? 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Not too often 4 Never 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP FEPOL Tell me if you agree or disagree with this statement: Most men are better suited emotionally for politics than are most women. 1 Agree 2 Disagree 3 Not sure 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP FEPRES If your party nominated a woman for President, would you vote for her if she were qualified for the job? 1 Yes 2 No 5 Wouldn't vote 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP FEDTRUST How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right--just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never? 1 Just about always 2 Most of the time 3 Only some of the time 4 Almost never 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable FEWORK Do you approve or disapprove of a married woman earning money in business or industry if she has a husband capable of supporting her? 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable FINRELA Compared with American families in general, would you say your family income is far below average, below average, average, above average, or far above average? 1 Far below average 2 Below average 3 Average 4 Above average 5 Far above average 8 Don't know 9 No answer GETAHEAD Some people say that people get ahead by their own hard work; others say that lucky breaks or help from other people are more important. Which do you think is most important? 1 Hard work 2 Both equally 3 Luck or help 4 Other 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP GOVTPOW And what about the federal government, does it have too much power or too little power? 1 Far too much power 2 Both equally 3 Right amount of power 4 Too little power 5 Far too little power 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP GRASS Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal or not? 1 Legal 2 Not legal 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP GUNLAW Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun? 1 Favor 2 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP HAPPY Taken all together, how would you say things are these days--would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy? 1 Very happy 2 Pretty happy 3 Not too happy 8 Don't know 9 No answer HEALTH Would you say your own health, in general, is excellent, good, fair, or poor? 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable HELPBLK Should government specifically help Blacks, or should it provide no special treatment for them? 1 Government should help. 3 Agree with both 5 No special treatment 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable HELPNOT Some people think that the government in Washington is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and private businesses. Others disagree and think that the government should do even more to solve our country's problems. Still others have opinions somewhere in between. Should the government do more or less? 1 Government do more 3 Agree with both 5 Government does too much 9 NA 0 NAP HELPOTH If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? To help others when they need help. 1 Most important 2 2nd important 3 3rd important 4 4th important 5 Least important 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP HELPPOOR Some people think that the government in Washington should do everything possible to improve the standard of living of all poor Americans; Other people think it is not the government's responsibility, and that each person should take care of himself; 1 Government action 2 Agree with both 5 People help selves 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP HELPSICK In general, some people think that it is the responsibility of the government in Washington to see to it that people have help in paying for doctors and hospital bills. Others think that these matters are not the responsibility of the federal government and that people should take care of these things themselves. 1 Government action 2 Agree with both 5 People help selves 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP HLTHCARE On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to Provide health care for the sick. 1 Definitely should be 2 Probably should be 3 Probably should not be 4 Definitely should not be 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP HOMOSEX What about sexual relations between two adults of the same sex--do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? 1 Always wrong 2 Almost always wrong 3 Sometimes wrong 4 Not wrong at all 8 Don't know 0 Not applicable HRS1 If working full or part time, how many hours did you work last week, at all jobs? 0 0-9 hours 1 10-19 hours 2 20-29 hours 3 30-39 hours 4 40-49 hours 5 50-59 hours 6 60-69 hours 7 70-79 hours 8 80 or more hours 9 No answer, Don't know, Not applicable INCOME In which of these groups did your total family income, from all sources, fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the letter. 01 Under $1,000 02 $ 1,000 to 2,999 03 $ 3,000 to 3,999 04 $ 4,000 to 4,999 05 $ 5,000 to 5,999 06 $ 6,000 to 6,999 07 $ 7,000 to 7,999 08 $ 8,000 to 9,999 09 $10,000 to 14,999 10 $15,000 to 19,999 11 $20,000 to 24,999 12 $25,000 or over 13 Refused 98 Don't know 99 No answer 0 Not applicable INCOME91 In which of these groups did your total family income, from all sources, fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the letter. 01 Under $1,000 02 $ 1,000 to 2,999 03 $ 3,000 to 3,999 04 $ 4,000 to 4,999 05 $ 5,000 to 5,999 06 $ 6,000 to 6,999 07 $ 7,000 to 7,999 08 $ 8,000 to 9,999 09 $10,000 to 14,999 10 $15,000 to 19,999 11 $20,000 to 24,999 12 $25,000 or over 13 Refused 98 Don't know 99 No answer 0 Not applicable LABORPOW Do you think that labor unions in this country have too much power or too little power? 1 Far too much power 2 Too much power 3 Right amount of power 4 Too little power 5 Far too little power 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP LESSREG Are you in favor of less government regulation of business? 1 Strongly in favor 2 In favor 3 Neither 4 Against 5 Strongly against 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP LIBATH There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against all churches and religion . . . If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote against churches and religion should be taken out of your public library,would you favor removing this book, or not? 1 Favor 2 Not favor 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable LIBCOM Consider a person who is a communist. Suppose he wrote a book which is in your library. Somebody in your community suggests that the book be removed from the library. Would you favor removing it, or not? 1 Favor 2 Not favor 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable LIBHOMO And what about a man who admits that he is a homosexual? If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote in favor of homosexuality should be taken out of your public library, would you favor removing this book, or not? 1 Favor 2 Not favor 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable MAKEJOBS Are you in favor of the Government financing of projects to create new jobs? 1 Strongly in favor 2 In favor 3 Neither 4 Against 5 Strongly against 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP MARITAL Are you currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married? 1 Married 2 Widowed 3 Divorced 4 Separated 5 Never Married 9 No answer MEOVRWRK Do you agree or disagree that family life often suffers because men concentrate too much on their work. 1 Strongly agree 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP NATAIDY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount of money on assistance to other countries? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATARMSY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on national defense? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATCRIMY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on law enforcement? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATDRUGY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on drug rehabilitation? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATEDUCY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on education? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATENVIY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on the environment? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATFAREY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on assistance to the poor? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATHEALEY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on health? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP NATRACEY Are we spending too much money, too little money, or about the right amount on assistance to the blacks? 1 Too little 2 About right 3 Too much 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP OBEY If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? a. To obey 1 Most important 2 2nd important 3 3rd important 4 4th important 5 Least important 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP OBEYLAW In general, would you say that people should obey the law without exception, or are there exceptional occasions on which people should follow their consciences even if it means breaking the law? 1 Always obey law 2 Follow conscience 8 Can't choose 9 NA 0 NAP PARTYID Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what? 0 Strong Democrat 1 Not strong Democrat 2 Independent near Democrat 3 Independent 4 Independent near Republican 5 Not strong Republican 6 Strong Republican 7 Other party 8 DK 9 NA POLVIEWS We hear a lot of talk today about liberals and conservatives. I'm going to show you a seven-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal-- point 1--to extremely conservative--point 7. Where would you place yourself on this scale? 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate, middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable POPULAR If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? B. To be well-liked or popular. 1 Most important 2 2nd important 3 3rd important 4 4th important 5 least important 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP PORNLAW Which of these statements comes closest to your feelings about pornography laws? 1 There should be laws against the distribution of pornography whatever the age. 2 There should be laws against the distribution of pornography to persons under 18. 3 There should be no laws forbidding the distribution of pornography. 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable POSLIFE Do you believe there is a life after death? 1 Yes 2 No 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP PRAYER The United States Supreme Court has ruled that no state or local government may require the reading of the Lord's Prayeror Bible verses in public schools. What are your views on this--do you approve or disapprove of the court ruling? 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP PREMARSX There's been a lot of discussion about the way morals and attitudes about sex are changing in this country. If a man and woman have sex relations before marriage, do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? 1 Always wrong 2 Almost always wrong 3 Wrong only sometimes 4 Not wrong at all 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACDIF1 On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are mainly due to discrimination? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACDIF2 On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are because most (Negroes/ Blacks/African-Americans) have less in-born ability to learn? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACDIF3 On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are because most (Negroes/ Blacks/African-Americans) don't have the chance for education that it takes to rise out of poverty? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACDIF4 On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are because most (Negroes/Blacks/ African-Americans) just don't have the motivation or will power to pull themselves up out of poverty? 1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACE What race do you consider yourself? 1 White 2 Black 3 Other (specify) RACPUSH Here are some opinions other people have expressed in connection with (Negro/Black)-white relations. Which statement on the card comes closest to how you, yourself, feel? A. (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) shouldn't push themselves where they're not wanted. 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree slightly 3 Disagree slightly 4 Disagree strongly 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RACSEG White people have a right to keep Blacks out of their neighborhoods if they want to and Blacks should respect that right. 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree slightly 3 Disagree slightly 4 Disagree strongly 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RELIG What is your religious preference? 1 Protestant 2 Catholic 3 Jewish 4 None 5 Other (specify religion and/or church and denomination) 8 Don't know 9 No answer RELIGID What is your religious identity? 1 Fundamentalist 2 Evangelical 3 Mainline 4 Liberal 5 None 6 Other 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP RELITEN Would you call yourself a strong (Religious Denomination) or a not very strong (Religious Denomination)? 1 Strong 2 Not very strong 3 Somewhat strong 8 on't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable REVSPEAK There are some people whose views are considered extreme by the majority. First, consider people who want to overthrow the government by revolution. Do you think such people should be allowed to hold public meetings to express their views? 1 Definitely allowed 2 Probably allowed 3 Probably not allowed 4 Definitely not allowed 8 Can't choose 9 No answer 0 Not applicable RINCOM91 In which of these groups did your earnings for last year fall? That is, before taxes or other deductions ? 01 Under $1,000 02 $ 1,000 to 2,999 03 $ 3,000 to 3,999 04 $ 4,000 to 4,999 05 $ 5,000 to 5,999 06 $ 6,000 to 6,999 07 $ 7,000 to 7,999 08 $ 8,000 to 9,999 09 $10,000 to 12,499 10 $12,500 to 14,999 11 $15,000 to 17,499 12 $17,500 to 19,999 13 $20,000 to 22,499 14 $22,500 to 24,999 15 $25,000 to 29,999 16 $30,000 to 34,999 17 $35,000 to 39,999 18 $40,000 to 49,999 19 $50,000 to 59,999 20 $60,000 to 74,999 21 $75,000 or over 22 Refused 98 Don't know 99 No answer 0 Not applicable RINCOME Respondent's income 1 LT $1000 2 $1000 TO 2999 3 $3000 TO 3999 4 $4000 TO 4999 5 $5000 TO 5999 6 $6000 TO 6999 7 $7000 TO 7999 8 $8000 TO 9999 9 $10000 - 14999 10 $15000 - 19999 11 $20000 - 24999 12 $25000 OR MORE 13 REFUSED 98 DK 99 NA 0 Not applicable SATFIN We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. So far as you and your family are concerned, would you say that you are pretty well satisfied with your present financial situation, more or less satisfied, or not satisfied at all? 1 Pretty well satisfied 2 More or less satisfied 3 Not satisfied at all 8 Don't know 9 No answer SEX Code respondent's sex 1 Male 2 Female SEXEDUC Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools? 1 For 2 Against 3 Depends on age/grade 8 Don't know 9 No answer Not applicable SEXHAR Sometimes at work people find themselves the object of sexual advances, propositions, or unwanted sexual discussions from co-workers or supervisors. The advances sometimes involve physical contact and sometimes just involve sexual conversations. Has this ever happened to you? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Never have worked 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable Listed below are various areas of government spending. Please indicate whether you would like to see more or lessgovernment spending in each area. Remember that if you say "much more", it might require a tax increase to pay for it. SPARMS A. The military and defense. 1 Spend much more 2 Spend more 3 Spend the same as now 4 Spend less 5 Spend much less 8 Can't choose 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPENVIRO B. The environment. 1 Spend much more 2 Spend more 3 Spend the same as now 4 Spend less 5 Spend much less 8 Can't choose 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPHLTH C. Health. 1 Spend much more 2 Spend more 3 Spend the same as now 4 Spend less 5 Spend much less 8 Can't choose 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPKATH here are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against all churches and religion; If such a person wanted to make a speech in your (city/town/community) against churches and religion, should he be allowed to speak, or not? 1 Yes, allowed to speak 2 Not allowed 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPKCOM Now, I should like to ask you some questions about a man who admits he is a Communist. Suppose this admitted Communist wanted to make a speech in your community. Should he be allowed to speak, or not? 1 Yes, allowed to speak 2 Not allowed 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPKHOMO And what about a man who admits that he is a homosexual? Suppose this admitted homosexual wanted to make a speech in your community. Should he be allowed to speak, or not? 1 Yes, allowed to speak 2 Not allowed 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable Listed below are various areas of government spending. Please indicate whether you would like to see more or less government spending in each area. Remember that if you say "much more", it might require a tax increase to pay for it. SPSCHOOL A. Education. 1 Spend much more 2 Spend more 3 Spend the same as now 4 Spend less 5 Spend much less 8 Can't choose 9 No answer 0 Not applicable SPUNEMP B. Unemployment benefits. 1 Spend much more 2 Spend more 3 Spend the same as now 4 Spend less 5 Spend much less 8 Can't choose 0 Not applicable THNKSELF If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? To think for himself or herself. 1 First 2 Second 3 Third 4 Fourth 5 Fifth 9 No answer 0 Not applicable WOMENHRT Women hurt from traditional family 1 yes 2 no 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP WORKHARD If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? To work hard 1 First 2 Second 3 Third 4 Fourth 5 Fifth 9 No answer 0 Not applicable WRKWAYUP Can Blacks overcome past prejudice without special favors? 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree strongly 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable XMARSEX What is your opinion about a married person having sexual relations with someone other than the marriage partner? 1 Always wrong 2 Almost always wrong 3 Wrong only sometimes 4 Not wrong at all 8 Don't know 0 NAP XMOVIE Have you seen an X-rated movie in the last year? 1 yes 2 no 8 DK 9 NA 0 NAP